Industry Specific Packages



Bring greater efficiency and safety to your operations with package solutions from Astoria Valves Americas. Our tailored offering consists of four modules that combine best-in-class equipment, comprehensive services, and a suite of auxiliary options—everything you need to reliably and repeatedly achieve superior safety and optimize performance.

Maximize uptime with a comprehensive solution

Astoria Valves Amercias supplies a comprehensive solution package from one or more suppliers, enabling operations to begin as soon as the package is delivered at site. This means decreased downtime for your crew and increased efficiency for your operations.

Customize options to fit your unique application

Because conditions vary tremendously, we offer auxiliary components to give you the ability to build a fit-for-purpose system.

  • Flexible top drive and mud pump options to fit hole size and flow rate requirements
  • Additional drawworks sizes and horsepowers
  • Second chair configuration for the DCR
  • Lift & Slide walking system
  • Liquid- or air-cooled VFDs
  • Additional BOP and ram sizes and pressure ratings to meet your criteria
  • Specialized elastomers for H2S and high-temperature applications
  • Manual, hydraulic, and electrically actuated well control and drilling chokes
  • Wrangler BOP handling system for safer, faster, and more efficient transport and installation of BOPs to the well center
  • Mud standpipe and cement manifolds